Last week we trekked out to northern California for a wedding and a Peace Corps Reunion. Both were a blast. But boy how things have changed. The first Peace Corps wedding we went to was Errol and Sara's. A weekend of debauchery, rowdiness, and de-trousering. A few short years later and we are renting a house so we can cram 6 Peace Corps babies and 10 adults into one spot. We're talkin' organic baby snacks galore, toys covered in snot, and bleary eyes not from alcohol consumption, but because your kid wanted to see how many windows they could break with their piercing screams. (Thankfully, no windows broken, only eardrums and patience.)
Rigley certainly made a good run at the "Crankiest Baby" competition, but you really need to hold the parents responsible for such a strong showing. We made her sleep in 3 different places in 2 different pack-n-plays and spend more time in her car seat than the rest of her life combined (who knew California was so big?). Rigley was a champ, but we pushed her a little too hard. Not that we accepted the blame at the time. Having not slept more than an hour in 2 nights, we may have... sort of... said a few things... out loud... that maybe we... regret now. Rigs may have been in the running for "Crankiest Baby," but we blew away the competition for "Crankiest Parents." As of now, the nasty things screamed back at the baby will forever be swept under the rug and chalked up as one of those moments when you feel ashamed as a parent.
Traveling is tough with kids. No doubt. But what's the alternative. We said many times over the past week,"We're never traveling again." At least until Rigley is in her early 30's. By then we'll be in our 60's and she'll be changing my diaper in the middle of the night while I scream for some warm milk. Until then we're doing a cost benefit analysis for each trip. This one to California? A no brainer. A great wedding and celebration I would have taken 15 screaming 1 year olds to. Heck isn't that how all trips are? Well worth the price you pay? So maybe, since the trips must be taken, we're looking for travel tips with toddlers. Reply to this post with your best ideas or at least most embarrassing moments. It'll either be helpful or soothing.