Saturday, July 25, 2009

She looks sleepy, doesn't she.

Oh my goodness!!! Soooooo sleepy.

DON'T BE FOOLED! Apparently babies actually only need 2 hours of sleep each day spread out into 5 minute chunks. This can be somewhat difficult for your average parent as we apparently need slightly more sleep than a baby. Something really interesting must be going on in the middle of the night because Rigley is doing her best to make sure we don't miss out. As soon as we drift off into the sweet, sweet, soothing sensation of sleep, Rigley shouts out (in baby language) "Hey, everybody in the house, and perhaps the neighborhood, WAKE UP!! Some really interesting stuff is going on that I want you all to know about!" Then she farts and we can all go back to sleep for another 5 minutes.
Forgive us if we seem somewhat distracted.
They say you lose IQ points for every hour of sleep you loose.
We are getting dummer...
slowleee, dummer...
i luv NASCAR...
and guns...
n stuf...
Palin in 2011!
gaa, gaa, goo, goo

a brief moment of peace.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Guest Blogger: Euchre the Dog




I go off to play with my buddy Tonka for a week and I come home to find what...?! These crazy parents of mine were left alone for a few days and what do they do...?! I come home after a hard week of playing and destroying pillows and who is in my chair...?!

A puppy!

That's right. Apparently one child was not enough for my parents. They went out and got another puppy. It's kind of a weird puppy too. It doesn't do anything. It just lays there. I tried to bring it one of my bones (not one of my good ones) and it just flailed its arms around. Sheesh.

I'm pretty sure this puppy is broken so I thought it would be gone soon, but my parents seem intent on keeping it. So that means its now part of the pack and I need to protect it by barking a lot. Pretty much anything that moves could be a danger to this helpless puppy so I bark at everything, just in case.

I have to admit... It is kind of growing on me. I haven't figured out how it is getting its food, but it isn't taking any of mine. Once I figure out how its feeding, I plan on getting a little bit myself! Hey, it what big brothers are for.