Well, here we are finally at week 36. Can you believe it? You probably would if you lived here. And have had to (err, I mean gotten to) enjoy the wonders of pregnancy.
Actually, things continue to go amazingly well. Jen continues to feel well, sleep well, and eat well. I continue to do a lot of thumb twiddling and helping out where I can. And Euchre continues to be oblivious that ANYTHING is going on. That dog is in for a rude awakening and this is a guy who has never had a rude awakening in his life. His idea of a rude awakening is not getting fed in the first 5 minutes after he wakes up and starts whining so things could get dicey for the dog.
I'm not making any promises here, but blog posts should be coming pretty fast and furious now. With the end of the school semester, we now have some time to do some projects. Blog topics to keep an eye out for include: setting up the kid's room (isn't it a little weird that we're working so hard to set up a room that won't be used for a year?!), art projects (our friend linder said that she always thought parents who painted murals were weird... um... well, no surprises here), and the completion of the diapers (how a small craft project turned into the equivalent of building the transcontinental railroad (though many fewer indigenous people were killed sewing these diapers)).